Saturday, February 27, 2010

Las Vegas!!

Las Vegas...ah...were to begin. Well, I guess at the beginning haha. That Sunday night, at about 9 o'clock, we went out for taco bell and filled myself up with chicken quesedillas. Yum Yum!!! At about 2 o'clock in the morning, we headed out for a two hour drive to the Tulsa airport. I took some Dramamine before we left to take an extra precaution. I didn't want to be THAT person who gets sick on the trip. (I guess my body has taken a dislike to Dramamine) Being very sleepy, and squeezed in the back of Brad's truck, which seats three people, with four and being quite warm with all that togetherness, I got car sick. At first I thought I just needed to walk a little bit. So while Brad was in the process of driving to the nearest stopping place, I realized I needed out NOW! Brad didn't hear my plea to pull over, all he heard was me losing my supper. What's worse, is that I had asked earlier to use his suede jacket as a pillow in my lap. It turned into my bucket. So after cleaning it all up and me changing my shirt behind the truck on the side of the highway in freezing weather, we headed to the nearest gas station where I changed the rest of my clothes and rinsed my hair in the sink.
Back on the road, we finally got to the airport where I hurried inside to find somewhere to sit. Well, to shorten the story, I felt horrible on the plane rides over there and the whole first day we were there. I felt like such a party pooper. I finally got better and got to see all the sights.
I got to see the Hoover Dam (by air), M&M world, Coca-cola world. We went to a zoo that was in one of the Hotels, and a volcano fire and water show. We walked and walked all the first day when we realized we could get an all day pass on a bus for only 7 dollars. Oh well. So we used the bus the rest of the trip.
One evening we went to the older part of Las Vegas, see the pawn shop of the TV series "Pawn Stars". Afterwards, Brad and I decided to walk towards the next bus stop in the direction of the hotel, instead of waiting 45 minutes for the next bus. We walked to the next stop, and the next one, and the next one. Every time we walked to a bus stop they were so full that they were only dropping people off, and taking nobody on. So eventually we walked the entire way back to the hotel. Later we found out we had walked 5 MILES!! I was also in flats the whole time with no feel were burning!
The whole trip was very fun and I had a great time, next time we are planning on going to the Bahamas! I hope so!! I'll try to post some pictures later. Don't have my camera with me right now to load them.

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