Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goodbye Arkansas!

Well, starting Thursday morning at 4:00 am, Brad and I are heading off towards Laredo,TX. He has a job down there and if everything goes good we will be living down there for as long as the job lasts. I good idea of where Laredo is....if you a stone from a Laredo hotel, it would hit the Rio Grande. So that means that I have to get my passport redone in case I need to go into Mexico...which i don't think will happen.
Later on we won't be living directly in Laredo, since its in the area that the U.S. Gov. is watching, and i personally dont want to. Hopefully we will live somewhere nearer Corpus Christie which I heard has a beach and a absolutely great outlet mall..hehe.
So goodbye Arkansas and all its inhabitants. I shall miss you greatly. When we arrive in Laredo, it will be a chilling temperature of 68 degrees above freezing. The rest of the week, the temperature will slowly climb till it gets to 103 degrees. I do love warm weather but this is rediculous.

1 comment:

  1. You are so missed and you have not even left. go back and re-read your post.
